
Episode 6 - Up's & Down's of Entrepreneurship - Part 1


In this episode, I get real. This may be the most transparent set of episodes I will share in the beginning of this podcast series. Through the launch of my new book, I had a lot of stress, a lot of win's and a lot on my plate. I knew I needed some clarity and to re-focus before I hit a wall so I set up a call with my good friend and life coach, Stacy Campesi. Entrepreneurship is trying to learn not to get to high and not to low and that's exactly what Stacy helps me with. This is part 1 but tune into the next 2 episodes to see how Stacy helps me get clarity and reduces my stress all under an hour.

Contact Kevin: @koco83

Contact Stacy: @stacycampesi

Ask your questions: @nichemovement

Episodes every Tuesday (and sometimes Thursday).

Coming to iTunes & Sticher soon.

Episode 5 - Controlling Your Own Destiny


Kevin shares the up's and down's of 8 months in his start-ups and how rewarding but difficult it is when you control your own destiny. Show notes:

  • Intro
  • We answer Matt Ebert's questions - What is the difference between professional niche's and personal niche's?
  • Introduce Matt to Dustin Ramsdell of HigherEdGeek
  • Kevin talks about the four things that influence his destiny.

Contact Kevin: @koco83

Ask your questions: @nichemovement

Episodes every Tuesday (and Thursday, if we're lucky ;)

Coming to iTunes & Sticher soon.

Episode 4 - Effort & Consistency is All It Takes to Grow Your Audience


Episode 4 - Effort & Consistency is All It Takes to Grow Your Audience

What does it take to build a tribe or break through the noise? It's easy: effort and consistency. By showing up everyday and actually putting in the work to engage with your audience will win time and time again.

Kevin shares the best example of this through Casey Neistat's recent 100+ days of vloging all while building a tech startup.

Show notes:

  • Intro
  • How Kevin's Kickstarter campaign was successful through effort and consistency
  • Casey Neistat's success and commitment to his tribe
  • When the you open the door, your audience will listen. Stop pushing and start engaging.
  • Execution is key.

Contact Kevin: @koco83

Ask your questions: @nichemovement

Coming to iTunes & Sticher soon.

Top 5 Reasons Everyone Should Work for a Small Startup Once in their Lives

startup I was 18-years-old when I got my first job as a cashier at a local burger joint. I showed up to work almost every day after school in a Super Duper Burger t-shirt, jeans and black non-slip shoes and worked until around 11:00 pm. Since then, I’ve had my fair share of work experience; anywhere from administrative positions to marketing internships. Each job varied in its tasks and responsibilities, however, one aspect remained the same: the rigidity and hierarchical structure of the companies. This aspect of the workplace is what drove me to look for a small startup for my final summer internship. Over the past month I have had the opportunity to work with The Niche Movement, an organization created by Kevin O’Connell, and have discovered why so many new companies (as well as some more established ones) are adopting a more lax work environment. Here are the top 5 reasons I think everyone should work for a startup once in their lives:


Wear Multiple Hats

As a member of a newly established team, you have the opportunity to play within your formal role. You can take on as much or as little as you want and who knows, maybe that extra responsibility will launch you to a higher position.


Initiate Your Own Projects

When you’re in a smaller working environment, you can better gauge a company’s needs and take the initiative to find a solution to those problems. Taking on more than what’s specified in your contract shows both your competence as an individual and also your value to the company as a whole.


Relaxed Working Hours

With the level of technology that is available, people have the ability to work within a variety of conditions, whether that be from home or from across the country. Applications, such as Buffer and Hootsuite, give people the freedom to schedule the publication for their work ahead of time so they don’t have to be chained to their devices, on call at all times. Many startups (including The Niche Movement) take advantage of this and allow employees the freedom to choose their own hours.


Less Rigid Organizational Structure

At smaller companies, employees at every level work and interact closely. Not only does this decrease the formality of office interactions, but it also increases the ease of communication and the clarity/transparency within the organization.


Accelerated Opportunity for Growth

Startups are known to have a tendency for rapid growth. This may mean that the company is constantly bringing on new employees, but it also means that those within the company have greater opportunities for professional growth.