Meet the Contributing Editors:
Joanna Platt
Joanna’s gift is seeing the best in people. Her mission is to help others see that in themselves. More than anything else, she cares about love. She wants to help people feel love, give love, receive love in all aspects of their lives, including their work. She does that through writing and coaching. You can connect with her at
Troy Erstling
Troy Erstling is an entrepreneur, voice actor, freestyle poet, TEDx speaker, and founder of After living and working abroad for 4 years, he decided to quit his job and help young professionals find career relevant work experience abroad. Philosophy, coconuts, and beaches are all he needs to be happy :)
Camille Sennett
Camille is a planner, writer, designer and cheap coffee lover with a can-do attitude. When she's not implementing events for Princeton University's alumni, parents and friends, she's probably busy jamming to a Spotify playlist or trying new things with friends.
Amma Marfo
Two things to know about Amma: (1) She is a reader, a library-loving, constant tome-carrying, and unapologetic bibliophile. (2) Amma can connect anything she is reading to the world around her more than anyone else. Because of this skill, she wants to dedicate her time in this space to sharing what she's currently reading, and how it could inform a budding professional’s daily life.
Jake Frasier
Jake is a Student Affairs professional at American University in Washington, D.C. Passionate about storytelling and obsessive about design, branding, and latte art.
Matthieu Hertilus
Matthieu's niche is currently in student affairs. He's worked in the field for the last six years as a residence hall director. Before that, he got his B.A. and M.A. in Communication and Information Studies at Rutgers University. He spends much of his free time writing, and you can find some of his other pieces at: TMuscle, EliteFTS, The Student Affairs Collective, and Bleacher Report
Shaunna Murphy
Shaunna is a New Jersey native whose passion and dedication to philanthropy, community service and the nonprofit sector spans 9+ years. Shaunna has her BA Communication Studies and MPA in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management. She currently works as Director of Alumni Relations at Blair Academy and has a love for a good HIIT workout, hiking nature, and a good cup of coffee. Connect with her on Instagram @srmurph87.
Tracy Gnadinger
Tracy Gnadinger is a jill of all trades. She’s worked in program evaluation, communications, health policy and publishing, but her real passion is peanut butter. She is currently in the midst of a divorce with Type 1 diabetes and blogs about her experiences at
Mandi Stewart
Mandi is an Iowa State University '12 and a Western Illinois '14 graduate who is currently working as a Transfer Admissions Counselor at Lincoln College Normal. A few of her favorite things: snail mail, mornings, Bruce Springsteen, coffee, and running! Connect with her on Twitter & Instagram:@mandijstewart
Dustin Ramsdell
Dustin is a proud nerd, and self affirmed "Higher Ed Geek" who loves connecting with people over ideas. He currently writes for and works in the EdTech world, helping students and professionals achieve success everyday. You might also find Dustin enjoying the latest TV, movies, or some local craft beer.
Nicole Booz
Nicole Booz is the Editor-in-Chief of GenTwenty. She has a passion for storytelling and connecting others through narratives of personal growth. In her free time, you can find her drinking iced coffee, planning her next great adventure, and reading any book she can get her hands on.
Live in the Grey
Live in the Grey challenges the work-life divide by encouraging the blend of personal passions with professional pursuits. They offer resources, insights and motivation for people pursuing fulfilling careers, while helping companies foster "grey" culture.
“Contributing to The Niche Movement has been a fulfilling experience from the very beginning. This opportunity has helped me grow as a writer, and hone in on my niche so much so that I’ve launched a new business because of it! I’ve connected with some of the most passionate people you will ever meet and am inspired daily by the dedication from TNM contributing editors. I can’t recommend this experience enough!”