How to Step Up and Lead (When No One Else Wants To)

How to Step Up and Lead (When No One Else Wants To)

Rising to a challenge isn’t easy. It requires you to buckle down, do the hard work, and persevere. And at the end of it all? You end up growing exponentially because you stretched the limits of your ability. We all have times in our lives where we encounter something new—sometimes expected, other times blindsiding you. What matters is how you tackle the challenge. This week, we’re looking at how Carmen Vernon became a leader.

How Entrepreneurs Balance Paternity Leave

How Entrepreneurs Balance Paternity Leave

Rising to a challenge isn’t easy. It requires you to buckle down, do the hard work, and persevere. And at the end of it all? You end up growing exponentially because you stretched the limits of your ability. We all have times in our lives where we encounter something new—sometimes expected, other times blindsiding you. What matters is how you tackle the challenge. This week, we’re looking at how The Niche Movement Founder Kevin O’Connell got his footing as a new dad balancing all of the demands of life. Rather than backing down under the pressure, he leveled up to deliver top-quality client work.

How to Learn from a Bad Work Experience

How to Learn from a Bad Work Experience

Rising to a challenge isn’t easy. It requires you to buckle down, do the hard work, and persevere. And at the end of it all? You end up growing exponentially because you stretched the limits of your ability. We all have times in our lives where we encounter something new—sometimes expected, other times blindsiding you. What matters is how you tackle the challenge. This week, we’re looking at how Carmen Vernon persevered through a tough internship. She wanted to quit many times along the way, but she stuck it out and learned a thing or two along the way.

State of the Niche Movement: Juggling Life as a Working Parent and Entrepreneur

State of the Niche Movement: Juggling Life as a Working Parent and Entrepreneur

As you know, there's never a dull moment here at The Niche Movement. But 2020 has been especially exciting as we watch our Founder Kevin O'Connell grow into his new roll as . . .

Father of Baby Noah!

Today, Kevin delivered our State of the Niche Movement address to let our community know what’s to come in the year ahead. Read the blog transcript and watch the video.