Post-grad syllabus: 10 resources for finding your niche


It's that time of year - back to school time. It's strange post-graduation when you feel the fall coming on but don't have the anticipation of new classes, won't receive a syllabus that serves as your roadmap for the next few months. But just because you're not in college, doesn't mean there aren't plenty of things to learn or engage your brain with. Here are my favorite resources for ah-ha moments! If I were to create a course about finding your niche or figuring out your career path, these would definitely make the syllabus.


Getting from College to Career by Lindsey Pollak

The Desire Map and/or Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle LaPorte

Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck

Quitter by Jon Acuff


The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

I could go on and on with this one. This is hands-down my favorite podcast. There are SO many good episodes (more than 500 in the archives) but here are a few great ones to get you started:

How Did You Get Into That? I recently stumbled on this podcast so I don't have episode recommendations but I thought it would be great for the Niche Movement readers!

A few other things

The Passion Profile Quiz 

A pep-talk

A credo for making it happen