I Love My Job: Kristen Walker

I Love My Job: Kristen Walker

We spoke to Kristen Walker this week about everything from career, free time, and passions. Kristen is the co-founder of Clarity on Fire, a website and career coaching service that helps people discover the right job for them. Check out her story!

Apply Kristen's experiences and advice in both your professional and personal life. Take an inventory of what is and isn't working in your career and try to pinpoint the reason. Do you have enough free time? Are you utilizing a skill that you are particularly good at? Are you exploring your curiosity? Be honest with yourself, make the appropriate changes, and career happiness could be just around the corner. 

Graphic Design 101 (featuring Canva)

Graphic Design 101 (featuring Canva)

Why is good design so important? And why is it such a big deal to spend precious time making sure what you put out into the world looks good? The fact of the matter is that people are naturally drawn to things that are visually attractive and impactful. - Robyn Park

I Love My Job: Caroline Adegun

I Love My Job: Caroline Adegun

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Caroline Adegun on 10.30.15 to hear all about her amazing and inspiring career path. From human resources at the George Washington University in Washington, DC, to not for profit photography, to her brand new "I am Loved" ministry, Caroline is all about spreading the love. We asked her all about her education, career start, getting into photography, and the rewards and challenges of her current job. Check out her story!

Why It’s Important to Speak Eloquently & Casually When Selling Yourself or Your Idea

Why It’s Important to Speak Eloquently & Casually When Selling Yourself or Your Idea

The ability to speak eloquently and the ability to speak casually at work are two very important skills. It’s hard enough to master one, let alone two. And, like, the ultimate skill is developing the awareness to know precisely when, where, how, and to whom to use each, you know?

                                                                                                                                       -Jordan Looby