
Innovative Ideas for a Better Office Space

Innovative Ideas for a Better Office Space

The Niche Movement helps young professionals find the work they love. Part of that puzzle includes finding the right office space. This guest post dives into five ways to build an innovative office space for happier employees. Offices are no longer the dull, lifeless grey cubicles of years gone by. Many companies now employ designers to create individually styled offices that promote creativity, innovation and productivity. Here are a few ideas to help you create a functional, stylish office space that meets the needs of your employees and business.

Growing Community: A Simple Formula for Engagement

Growing Community: A Simple Formula for Engagement

As we prepare to enter 2019, The Niche Movement team took some time to reflect. We give you tips and tricks for finding your niche all year long, but the New Year is a special time to celebrate accomplishments, to goal set, and above all to relax. Our Founder Kevin O'Connell took the time to write about community. In 2018, the Niche community proved that face-to-face meetups aren't the only ways to build connections. Sometimes sharing thoughtful, timely stories is all you need.

Ways to Build Genuine Relationships: Be Grateful for the People in Your Life

Ways to Build Genuine Relationships: Be Grateful for the People in Your Life

Thanksgiving is a time to rest and a time to reflect. Spend time this holiday reflecting on the relationships you hold near and dear, and how you can take those relationships to the next level by showing friends, colleagues, partners, and family that you care. Read how The Niche Movement Founder, Kevin O’Connell, prioritizes and builds genuine relationships to get started.

See What Sticks: Finding My Monday Meetings

See What Sticks: Finding My Monday Meetings

Knowing who your tribe is in the professional world impacts how you feel personally as well as the quality of your work. In this descriptive and illuminating, literary-connected post by Amma Marfo, read about the qualities she is looking for in her professional circle while reflecting on who you choose to surround yourself with.