
Tell Us Your Story: Brandi Bernoskie

Tell Us Your Story: Brandi Bernoskie

Here at TNM, we have a large community of people who are inspired by our words, tips, and real world advice. Last month we featured three of our contributing editors who help us generate content. This month we are featuring some members of our greater community who are equally as inspiring through the Tell Us Your Story: Young Professional Series here on our blog. These people have found their Niche, and want to share their story with you.

Our first feature is Brandi Bernoskie who grew from a freelance coder to a small business owner, and has many passions all aimed toward making the world a better place.

The Perfect Day… 10 Years From Now

The Perfect Day… 10 Years From Now

Completing this blog post was harder than ever. I had to revisit it at least three times because it was tough to think about the future. Who will still be in my life and who may not. It was difficult to imagine what our world looks like technologically. And last, I realized I don’t think I want my days to look too much different from the way they are already. I strive to work on myself to create a bit more self discipline and accountability, financial security, and continue to fine-tune my narrative to bring more awareness of the impact that I can make with my professional work. I challenge of all you to try this exercise. You don’t have to publish it but I would tuck it away and revisit it every few years and let me know what happens 10 years from now.

The Deep Past - A Start

The Deep Past - A Start

By 2013, I had begun hearing stories of professionals with Master's degrees who were not finding their next positions in Student Affairs and Higher Education.

Even while typing that, I feel the need to take a breath.

Take one with me.


Robert Swinton